Portable video gaming were popular in the 1990's. 3D graphics became standard at the end of the decade. Real Time Strategy genre was also introduced then. Some of the games were Warcraft, Starcraft. Online-multilayer games were also introduced in this decade. The 21st century was the boom of consoles such as XBox, Play Station, and Wii. Graphics were improved for gaming experience. The experience and the progressing of the gaming section is a phenomena.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
90's and the 21st century were a big change in the music industry. Hip Hop, R&B, and Electronic were the most progressive genres in that time period. Some of the famous artists that bloomed were:
Mariah Carey
Dr. Dre
Green Day
Backstreet Boys
Britney Spears
Christina Aguilera
Whitney Houston
Boyz II Men
Gloria Estefan
The 90's And the 21st century are eventful times in the filming industry. The first computer generated move "Toy Story" was released. The movie "Titanic", which became the most epic phenomena in its year was also released. It's also the highest grossing movie in its decade. "Avatar" the movie released in 2010, became the highest grossing movie of all time, beating "Titanic's" record. Disney Renaissance was also popular in these period. Some of the movies produced like "Snow White" and "Cinderella" were very popular.
3 dimensional movies were introduced too, enhancing viewer experience for us. Bigger screens were put to inside movie theaters. They are now developing 4 dimensional movie theaters so the the viewers could almost experience and relate to what is happening in the movies.
Some of the movies that were shown in this time period are:
3 dimensional movies were introduced too, enhancing viewer experience for us. Bigger screens were put to inside movie theaters. They are now developing 4 dimensional movie theaters so the the viewers could almost experience and relate to what is happening in the movies.
Some of the movies that were shown in this time period are:
"Schindler's List" (1993)
"Forrest Gump" (1994)
"Titanic" (1997)
"The Matrix" (1999)
"Toy Story 2" (1999)
"Jurassic Park" (1993)
"Mrs. Doubtfire"(1993)
"The Lion King" (1994)
"Avatar" (2010)
"Fahrenheit 9/11" (2004)
"Harry Potter" Series
Popular Culture
Popular Culture is said to be the collection of ideas, perspectives, styles, images, and attitudes that are phenomenon in this time period. Some of the popular cultures in the modern America are:
Toys and Games
Health Care Reform
This is the term that refers to the major health care policies creation and changes. So far, of all the health care reforms around the world, it is here in the United States that the government spend the most on health care on each citizens. Some of the preceding legislations are:
1.) Social Security Amendments of 1965
2.) Emergency Medical Treatment And Active Labor Act of 1986
3.) Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act of 1996
4.) Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, And Modernization Act of 2003
5.) Patient Safety And Quality Improvement Act of 2005
All of these legislation that were passed helped the United States citizens about health topics and matters.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) (January 1, 1994)
NAFTA is a trade agreement signed by United States, Mexico, and Canada that formed three trade alliances between them. Its function is to eliminate trade barriers and tariffs between U.S., Mexico, and Canada. 10 years after the signing the agreement, almost all the tariffs between Mexico and United States were eliminated. Also, NAFTA's function is to eliminate non-tariff trade barriers and to protect the intellectual property right of the products. All in all, NAFTA made balances in trades across three nations.
Homeland Security (2002)
Homeland Security is the term used by the Americans that is described as the reorganization of government agencies and the national effort of the United States for preventive attacks by the terrorist groups on us. Its function is to reduce U.S vulnerability from a terrorist attack. It was formed in 2002, 1 year after the 911 terrorist attack in the northeast coast of the United States. Homeland Security has several functions as follow:
1.) Preparedness for future terrorist attacks and natural disasters.
2.) Intelligence activities domestically and internationally or FBI
3.) Security of the borders, both in land and in water
4.) Protection of the perimeters of U.S.A. and critical infrastructure
5.) Protection of marine and aviation transportation
6.) Early detection of radioactive, or nuclear and radiological materials and weapons
7.) Extensive research of future security technologies.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Hurricane Katrina (August 23, 2005 – August 30, 2005)
It is said that Katrina was the strongest and most destructive Atlantic hurricane that came to United States in 2005. It was also one of the costliest and deadliest natural disasters according to surveys. This Hurricane formed in the Bahamas. It got stronger at it hits the Gulf of Mexico, but weakens a little bit when it hit the coast of Louisiana. Still, it caused severe destruction to the states near the Gulf Coast. There were 1833 estimated deaths and $81 billion were the estimated damages on the properties.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Balkan Wars (Yugoslav Wars) (1990's)
The Balkan Wars or Yugoslav Wars are the battles that were fought in Yugoslavia in 1990's between the republics and the other government that was very opposed to them. This government wanted to get the independence of the people living here. The Balkan Wars are composed of series but hugely separated wars that fought politically and ethnically. Some of the battles that happened are the War in Slovenia, Croatian War of Independence, Bosnian War, and Kosovo wars.
Tea Party (April 15, 2009)
The Tea Party Movement is a political movement in America that is very loyal to the Constitution. It reduces the national debt of United States, and Government's taxes. The name of this movement was derived from the Boston Tea Party in 1773. The Tea Party Movement is also called conservative party. It is partly libertarian, and partly populist. This movement is composed of hundreds of groups that varies in influence, and priorities. But, right now, it is said that the " Tea Party movement tends to be anti-government, anti-spending, anti-Obama, anti-tax, nationalistic." Some of the people involved are Sarah Palin and Ron Paul.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Persian Gulf War (August 2 1990 – February 28 1991)
The Persian Gulf War was a war of the 34 nations led by the United States against Iraq. This happened because Iraq tried to invade and annex Kuwait. It is also called Operation Desert Storm. It all started when Iraq bombed Kuwait aerially. This was followed by ground assaults. In the end of 1990, Iraq withdrew its annexation of Kuwait.
Impeachment Of Clinton (December 19, 1998)
Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998 for mainly two reasons: Perjury and Obstruction of Justice. Perjury is when one swears a very false oath in either writing or speaking. It is also called forswearing. Obstruction of Justice is a crime relating into involvement or interfering police, investigators, regulatory agencies, prosecutors, or other government officials. However, he was acquitted by the senate in 1999.
2000 Presidential Elections (Video)
This video is a brief explanation regarding the election. It is pretty long so you guys might want to skip parts. This is the only most brief video that I found so please enjoy!! :D
2000 Presidential Election
This election was between the republican George W. Bush and the democratic-incumbent vice president Albert Arnold Gore. Bush narrowly won the election having 271 electoral votes comparing to Al Gores's 266 electoral votes. Although Al Gore won through popular vote, and having to recount Florida's electoral vote, Bush won.
Economic Stimulus Plan (February 17,2009)
The Economic Stimulus Plan was President Obama's first act to aid our economy. This package was approved by the Congress and was worth $787 billion to jump-start the U.S. economy. It gave $288 billion in tax cuts, $224 billion to aid unemployment benefits, education and health care, and $275 billion to aid creations of jobs by using federal contracts, grants, and loans. This was a plan for 10 years. Economic Stimulus Plan was created to help our economy grow back since the recession. Although lots of experts doubt it, this plan was very successful in helping our economy grow. Not only that it was successful, but it was over successful in stimulating our economy, proven by the stock market and economic stimulators.
Friday, May 3, 2013
September 11th, 2001
September 11th, 2001 was the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon in World Trade Center, and the attempted attacks on the White House. This was said to be suicidal attacks. 19 terrorists hi-jacked four passenger airplane that were to be flown to these buildings. The government suspected Osama Bin Laden to be the master mind of the attack but they denied it. This has caused panicked to the citizens across North America, and the decrease in the economy in the Manhattan side of New York. It almost took half a year to clean up the attack mess. Right now, they're rebuilding the twin towers that are expected to finish on 2016, and they built a memorial park where the old twin towers were placed.
War on Terror (September 11, 2001)
War on Terror is also known as Global War against Terrorism. War on Terror started after the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 in NY and Washington D.C. Almost every country in the world is involved here in this strategy. It was first heard from George W. Bush after the attack. The government invests billions of dollars to fight terrorist groups such as the Al Qaeda and other Jihadi groups. As for know, the Obama administration calls it Overseas Contingency Operation.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
USA Patriot Act of 2001
"This act was a law passed shortly after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in
the United States giving law enforcement agencies increased, broad
powers to bring terrorists to justice. The USA Patriot Act is an acronym
for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools
Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. The Patriot Act has been shrouded in controversy. Proponents of the act
believe that it is a necessary evil in the face of new threats to
America in the ever-changing international political climate. The Patriot Act's full title is Uniting and Strengthening America by
Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism
Act of 2001. It's split into 10 parts, and it covers a lot of ground.
Here is a summary."
What are the Libertarians?
"The libertarian or "classical liberal" perspective is that individual well-being, prosperity, and social harmony are fostered by "as much liberty as possible" and "as little government as necessary." Libertarianism is the view that each person has the right to live his life in any way he chooses so long as he respects the equal rights of others. A libertarian is one who advocates maximizing individual rights and minimizing the role of the state. Libertarianism is a vision of how people should be able to live their lives-as individuals, striving to realize the best they have within them." Some famous libertarians are Tom Selleck, Robert Downey Jr., Angelina Jolie, John Malkovich, Kurt Russel, and Juliet Lewis.
"The libertarian or "classical liberal" perspective is that individual well-being, prosperity, and social harmony are fostered by "as much liberty as possible" and "as little government as necessary." Libertarianism is the view that each person has the right to live his life in any way he chooses so long as he respects the equal rights of others. A libertarian is one who advocates maximizing individual rights and minimizing the role of the state. Libertarianism is a vision of how people should be able to live their lives-as individuals, striving to realize the best they have within them." Some famous libertarians are Tom Selleck, Robert Downey Jr., Angelina Jolie, John Malkovich, Kurt Russel, and Juliet Lewis.
Significant Events
USA Patriot Act of 2001
War on Terror
Economic Stimulus Plan
Presidential Election of 2000
Impeachment of Clinton
Persian Gulf War
Tea Party
Balkans Crisis
Hurricane Katrina
Homeland Security
Health Care Reform
USA Patriot Act of 2001
War on Terror
Economic Stimulus Plan
Presidential Election of 2000
Impeachment of Clinton
Persian Gulf War
Tea Party
Balkans Crisis
Hurricane Katrina
Homeland Security
Health Care Reform
Nancy Pelosi
"She was born March 26, 1940, in Baltimore, Maryland, and continued her family's tradition of being involved in politics. She began volunteering and gradually moved up the ranks, making the leap to public office in a special election for California's eighth district in 1987. She became the first female Democratic Leader of the House of Representatives and the first female Speaker of the House. Under the leadership of Pelosi, the 111th Congress was heralded as "one of the most productive Congresses in history" by Congressional scholar Norman Ornstein. President Barack Obama called Speaker Pelosi “an extraordinary leader for the American people," and the Christian Science Monitor wrote: “…make no mistake: Nancy Pelosi is the most powerful woman in American politics and the most powerful House Speaker since Sam Rayburn a half century ago.”
"We have only known Psy for almost a year since his last hit on September 2012. But we know him through his sick dance moves and sick outfit. He was born Park Jae-Sang on December 31, 1977 in South Korea and
enrolled himself at Berklee College of Music in Boston in 1997. Psy is the energetic singer and rapper whose 2012 hit "Gangnam Style" became the most-viewed YouTube video ever." Now, he is continuing his career by uploading a new song titled "Gentleman".
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Michael Jackson
"He was named the "King of Pop", singer-song writer Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana on August 29, 1958. As a child, he was lead singer of the Jackson family's popular Motown group, The Jackson 5. Michael Jackson went on to become one of the most internationally famous award-winning solo pop sensations to date. His 2009 death stirred controversy and was ultimately ruled an accidental overdose." Jackson's music took root in R&B, pop and soul. He had been influenced by the work of musicians such as Little Richard, James Brown, Jackie Wilson, Diana Ross, Fred Astaire, Sammy Davis Jr., Gene Kelly, David Ruffin, The Isley Brothers, the Bee Gees and the West Side Story dancers, to whom he made a tribute in "Beat It" and in the "Bad" video
Arnold Schwarzenegger
"Arnold Schwarzenegger was born on July 30, 1947, near Graz, Austria. He
rose to fame as the world's top bodybuilder, launching a career that
would make him a giant Hollywood star. After years of blockbuster movie
roles, Schwarzenegger went into politics, becoming governor of
California in 2003. In 2012. He married Maria Shriver in 1986 and they have four children together.
They are currently undertaking divorce proceedings after the revelation
that Schwarzenegger had a love child with another woman. During his initial campaign for governor, allegations of sexual and
personal misconduct were raised against Schwarzenegger, dubbed
"Gropegate". Of all these accusations and allegations, he remains strong today and has finished serving California as a governor in2011.
Hillary Clinton
"Hillary Clinton was born on October 26, 1947, in Chicago, Illinois. She
married Bill Clinton in 1975. She served as first lady from 1993 to 2001, and
then as a U.S. senator from 2001 to 2009. In early 2007, Clinton
announced her plans to run for the presidency. During the 2008
Democratic primaries,
she conceded her nomination when it became apparent that Barack Obama held a majority of the delegate vote. After winning the
national election, Obama appointed Clinton as secretary of state. She
was sworn in as secretary of state in January 2009 and served in that
position until 2013."
Bill Clinton
"Bill Clinton was born on August 19, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas. In 1975, he
married Hillary Rodham. The following year, he was elected attorney
general of Arkansas, and in 1978 he won the governor postion in the election, becoming the
youngest governor the country had seen in 40 years. Clinton was elected
president in 1992. Six years later, in 1998, he was impeached by the
House of Representatives because of personal affairs, but was acquitted by the Senate in 1999. He was the 42nd president of the United States. On February 15, 1993, Clinton made his first address to the nation,
announcing his plan to raise taxes to cap the budget deficit.
Two days later, in a nationally televised address to a joint session of Congress, Clinton unveiled his economic plan." It was pretty successful in helping the economy.
George W. Bush
"George W. Bush is the 43rd president of The United States of America. He was born in July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut, George W. Bush was the
43rd president of the United States. He narrowly won the Electoral
College vote in 2000, in one of the closest and most controversial
elections in American history. Bush led the United States' response to
the 9/11 terrorist attacks and started the Iraq War. Before his
presidency, Bush was a businessman and served as governor of Texas. Since becoming President of the United States in 2001, President Bush
has worked with the Congress to create an ownership society and build a
future of security, prosperity, and opportunity for all Americans."
Oprah Winfrey
"Oprah Winfrey was born in the town of Kosciusko, Mississippi, on January 29, 1954. Winfrey launched the Oprah Winfrey Show
in 1986 as a national program. With its placement on 120
channels and an audience of 10 million people, the show grossed $125
million by the end of its first year. She gained ownership of the program from ABC, drawing it
under the control of her new production company. In her final season of her talk show, Oprah made ratings soar when she
revealed a family secret: she has a half-sister named Patricia. Oprah's
mother gave birth to a baby girl in 1963. At the time, Oprah was 9 years
old, and living with her father. Lee put the child up for adoption
because she believed that she wouldn't be able to get off public
assistance if she had another child to care for. Patricia lived in a
series of foster homes until she was 7 years old. When The Oprah Winfrey Show endes on September 9, 2011, Oprah will still join those huge media personalities through The
Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), which launched on January 1, 2011."
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Barack Obama
"Obama was the 44th president of the United States. He was the first African American president in U.S. History. He was born on August 4, 1961 in Hawaii. Before pursuing political career, Obama was a Civil-Rights lawyer and teacher. Now, he is on his second term of presidency. While living with his grandparents, Obama enrolled in the esteemed
Punahou Academy, excelling in basketball and graduating with academic
honors in 1979. Barack Obama went to Harvard School. In his first term, the President passed the landmark Affordable Care Act, helping to put quality health care within reach for more Americans. He ended war in Iraq and is working to responsibly end the war in Afghanistan, passed historic Wall Street Reform to make sure taxpayers never again have to bail out big banks, and Cut taxes for every American worker. He’s fought for equal rights and a women's right to make their own health decisions. And he’s made a college education more affordable for millions of students and their families."
Thanks to:
- http://prezi.com/90er73kypafn/modern-america-1990s-2012/?utm_source=website&utm_medium=prezi_landing_related_solr&utm_campaign=prezi_landing_related_author
- http://judgepedia.org/index.php/Sonia_Sotomayor
- http://www.biography.com/people/barack-obama-12782369?page=2
- http://www.biography.com/people/oprah-winfrey-9534419
- http://www.thebiographychannel.co.uk/biographies/oprah-winfrey.html
- http://www.biography.com/people/george-w-bush-9232768
- http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/president/biography.html
- http://www.biography.com/people/hillary-clinton-9251306
- http://www.biography.com/people/michael-jackson-38211
- http://www.howstuffworks.com
- http://useconomy.about.com/od/candidatesandtheeconomy/a/Obama_Stimulus.htm
Sonia Sotomayor
"Sonia Sotomayor is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court . She was the first nominee to the Supreme Court of U.S.A. by President Barack Obama.President Barack Obama nominated Sotomayor to the Supreme Court of The U.S.A. Judge Sotomayor was confirmed by the United States Senate on August 6, 2009 through a majority of vote. Sotomayor he third woman to serve on the Supreme Court and one of three female Justices. Sotomayor was also the first Hispanic justice in the Supreme Court. The Senate Judiciary
Committee voted in favor of her confirmation." Sonia Sotomayor was born on June 25, 1954. As of now Ms. Sotomayor is questioning Gay Marriage. she is critical of barring gay and lesbian couples from marrying.

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